What's the point in playing Multi-Player if you can't host a game. It's ridiculous that you have to go in and make complicated adjustments just to be able to host or join a game. If I would of known this I probably would not of purchased this game. The developers need to release a patch or something that will help user's connect and host games easier. This is ridiculous.
@ itsmevicWhat is the point of forum posts (and stickies) by the developers and forum volunteers
if no one cares to read them, and instead create yet
another post/thread complaining about things already gone over and covered quite nicely???
1. IronClad Online is a matchmaking service, nothing is hosted by ICO. SINS is P2P. The HOST in SINS is a "host" in name only. All players in a SINS MP game run the entire simulation on their own PC, the "host" only SYNCS all of the player's games together.
2. Because of point number one (nothing being hosted by IronClad Online) people (wanting to "host") need to
forward all relevant game traffic past routers/firewalls to their pc's. For those with only one NAT device (router) it can be as simple as forwarding the relevant traffic past said router and on to their computer system. Others have multiple NAT devices (a router
and a cabled/dsl modem that has been configured to act as a router as well) and those setups can require a tad more attention.
My guide "Networking and SINS" (the relevant guide is the one that I wrote Feb 14th 2008 please check the file date to make sure you're using the correct one) covers all that is necessary in order to configure one's network correctly to host sins. The instructions have worked for many people so far and there is no reason they can't continue to work.
There are two
exceptions to this rule:
1. People who are at university dorms etc. where they can't force a network admin to forward the relevant game-traffic to only THEIR pc.
2. People who can't be bothered to download, read and implement the instructions I've provided.
In either case, it has been pointed out MANY, MANY times now on these forums and in ICO chat, that
game version 1.1 will introduce an optional NAT-T (Nat traversal) type "tunneling" netcode for SINS which (although like anything that "tunnels" past routers and firewalls is LESS secure than before) will enable both those who
can't and those who
follow the instructions in my guide to be able to host SINS games.
thanks and have a nice day!
the Monk