Did you try this patch?
(From another thread)
Download this replacement stardockweather.ocx file:
and save it to your ObjectDock install folder (C:\Program Files\Stardock\ObjectDock). Open up ObjectDock and check the weather docklet. This may not work for everyone as it is a temporary workaround.
mickeko - that ocx file worked for me. Thanks for the fix (even if it is onlya a temporary patch)
This worked for me as well. I had replaced it once before to correct a wrong days error,replacing it again has restored the weather docklet.
TY, it's working again thanks to your post mickeko.
Thanx - it made my weather docklet work again...
My weather docklet was down too, already for a couple of days. I downloaded Mickeko's patch and now the is shining again, THX.
thanx guys...that little fix helped me....i was without my weather for 2 weeks....i ususally give accu-weather a while to fix it but it never did but that fix from stardock heleped...THANX...like to know the weather every now and then
Wonderful! Thanks for the fix.
Awesome fix! I have been wondering what was going on. I whole reason I use ObjectDock is for the weather app. I made a custom transparent background(looks good with aero) and I was wanting to test it out. Thanks!!!!
Ok, there seems to be many people like me
where the Weather Docklet is in N/A mode.
When you hover over the docklet, it shows
"Internet Not Available"
Have tried the so-called fix, which by the way
has never worked for me.
One question that may solve this:
Can someone tell me the Port to open?
The specific Port that either the Weather Docklet
needs, Or ObjectDock itself?
Thanx in advance
Many thanks for your Patch itworked a treat, but I do have another problem,
My weather docklet pops up showing Florida, or virtually any other country/ city
But I live in the UK and it says "cannot find location" Please help
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