I live in the US in IOWA and it still says: "Internet not availabe." Why won't the weather docklet work!
Please help!
What location are you at? As in zip code and town, Iowa? If you can't gain access I might be able to help you find a work around.
I'm having the exact same trouble. I live in Loami, IL. I entered that an also tried the zip code 62661, but it just says, "Internet not available."
Same problem here all day. Living in Sweden. I guess I'll just have to look out the window to find out what weather it is.
Same thing in Brooklyn NY Zip 11210
Same thing in Atlanta, GA 30301
mine died too. was working the day before yeasterday. Nothing has changed on my pc.
Goes to show ...you can't predict the weather.........docklet.
Mine has quit from time to time,it always comes back sooner or later.
Same here, "Internet not available". The Accuweather site displays fine, although the information it displays is *always* very wrong for this area (88130). Is there not an option to use wunderground instead of accuweather as it seems to be the only accurate one for this location?
Hi folks. Same Here in France. The docklet is reading this address: http://weather2.sdcentral.net/weather.asmx , but the server seems to busy to respond. Maybe they'll fix this bug themselves...
I am having the same issue here in Portland, ME with a paid version of OD+. Just got it two days ago and it worked great for about a day. Now the weather docklet is unresponsive. Have tried with setting an exception for ObjectDock in Windows Firewall and with the Firewall completely off. Still no response. Seems like either Accuweather's servers have timed out on us, or they have changed something server side.
Having same problem here in Florida. All dock items work, not weather. Also, can connect to internet with the docklet...but when try update weather, get error 'not connected to internet'. Go figure!
having the issue as well since yesterday, paid version, florida zip.
This implies a problem with accuweather rather than the docklet... If you can connect to the right page at the accuweather site, perhaps an overview of how the docklet is connecting is in order... (Though I think that's already done, so the next OD release should sort the issues).
mine has also stopped working in the last couple of days...i havent madew any changes to the computer at all...it just stopped working
also for got to say im runnig vista ultimate 32bit and object dock plus the latest release from impulse
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