I wanted to get everyone's thoughts (or maybe I am doing something wrong?). I play Drengin's a lot and so I have started to notice the Dominator Fleets as a mixed blessing. Allow me to explain.
In the early game, when you declare war on some happless unsuspecting, soon to be slave, neighboring civilization, it is great to have a fleet of Super Dominator ships to suddenly show up on your doorstep. This helps bolster your fleet and allows you to send out basically throw away ships on suicide raiding missions. You can harey your opponents' shipping lanes or attack near by star bases, while your main fleet is focused on larger, more important targets.
However, in the late game, or once technology has progressed beyond Deflectors, these fleets become less and less useful. With a max attack value of 3 (per ship) and all of 9 hps, once my opponents have shields, the dominators are pretty much only on the most basic milk runs, no matter how many there are. I use them to sit in orbit, thus preventing unsupported transports from attacking. I sometimes have them roam enemy territory, seeking said fleet ships. And I have them attach shipping lanes. But on larger maps, and with galactic resolutions preventing shipping attacks, these ships become all but useless (to me).
And they are a drain on my economy. If I have a positive economy, the inclusion of 100 ships (of whatever size) can quickly change that positive to a negative. Or of it doesn't put me negative, it puts me less positive than I was before. Admittedly, I can decomission the whole lot, but that is tedious in the extreme, individually decomissioning 100 ships one at a time. I would much rather be crushing the life out of my opponents than meniel work like that.
So I was curious if I was the only one who thought this way? And if there were any suggestions on how to deal with/make use of or stop this, in the late game? Again, early on, they are GREAT. Even if they scaled based on technology, that would be great. But when I have a fleet of Large class ships, all with Barriers or better, these corvets generally don't rate very high in my book.