And I had a Karma point earlier,did it expire?
One of the support guys pointed out your reply and concern about the Karma that you thought you might have lost. When you're on a forum, you'll only see karma that was given to you, for posts which are part of the website's forums that you're currently viewing. For example; The Stardock Forums have a category 'Sugar and Candy' and someone gives you karma for a reply on a post in that category. That Karma will show up on the Stardock Forums. But then say you shoot over to the Wincustomize forums and the Wincustomize Forums don't have the 'Sugar and Candy' category. The Wincustomize Forums won't reflect the karma you had recieved for your reply in that category. Now, if both of the forums share that category, then your karma for that reply will show up in both.
There is a method to this madness, and the explanation is much simpler than what I just typed: A user might be extremely helpful on say, the Stardock Forums, and deserves all the karma they can get. However, they might not visit a website like the TweakVista forums at all. So they should have lots of Karma for the Stardock Forums, but very little for the TweakVista forums.
I hope that I cleared this up a little for you. The moral of the story is that Karma will vary from site to site, but rest assured you're not losing any