I hadn't gotten a chance to play the Beta in a while (work, the real world, wife and house....they get in the way

) and then i saw one of the recent previews talking about the updated Krynn.
Now, bear in mind, I used to play the Krynn in the past when I just didn't want to deal with spys. You know, get the anti-spy building built on every planet at the beginng and just not worry about it. Since then, I had drifted away to other races like the Korath. After reading the article, I fired the game up and had at it.
The fact that I was able to jump up several levels in difficulty without a problem made me think that their game balance was way out of whack...until I realized that it was because the Krynn now fit
perfectly with my play-style.
So, nothing really important here...Just wanted to voice my pleasure and tell the SD crew to keep up the great work!