Hello everyone.
I'm curious... I'm an old school 4x / RTS gamer getting into this game. I set up a medium map with three stars on a slow research setting. Yet with pretty aggressive expansion I still have nearly managed to research everything except the last few tiers on civilian infrastructure while I'm just now expanding to another star. No, I didn't turtle... my empire is twice as strong as any other going by the graphs in almost all respects.
I was wondering/hoping what the chances are the settings might be expanded.. I mean Fast, Normal, Slow... sure that's great, but instead of 3 possibly consider 5? I honestly don't even think another Slower option would cut it... this was only a medium map, I mean a setting where I could play a large/huge map and not necessarily max out or at least anywhere as quickly game stage wise.
I know on MP I see a lot of games on Fast for most options, but for SP I just wish the game didn't progress so quickly tech wise that's all. Maybe have another couple slower levels, make things feel more epic? Or maybe it's just my GC2 side showing 
Just my two cents, I love the game