Jeff, thank you for the peaceful transition of power to a new reign of terror. I vow to rule the Senate using the keenest of my predatory instincts. Today I issue my first Executive Order that PlayJeff immediately be locked a cell with nothing but alcohol and willing females of whatever species he desires. And you did win that kzinretti, so she will be sent right over. Oh, you dont like cats...too bad.
Motti, you give fresh meaning to the term speed-demon.

I sympathize with the troubles of my constituency, and consequently I'm issuing Executive Order #2 to abolish all speed limits, either planetary or inter-planetary. This order also legitimizes the use of weapons to determine "right-of way" while travelling. Might makes right!
Kidding aside, Jeff mentioned that he would like the Senate take a more serious note. I dont know if that was sarcasm or not though. Are people looking for actual discussions on things they feel are important? I dont see this thread as having that purpose, but perhaps other people feel differently.
Sentient species taste better...