Hey, Animage64. I love what you and Uzii have done. Sins will never be the same. I only have one question. I have downloaded Sims plus and your instalment for GalaxyForge 1.3 But, when i open any map none of the planets or stars appear. I can play them in Sins but can't modify them in Forge. They are there to open but when i do, nothing appears. I have also tried to make a System from scratch and i have saved it in both Galaxy Folders but they don't show up on Sims under the Custom Maps. Any ideas would be wonderfull. Thanks.
I have a bit similar trouble. When I try to load in the game any of maps, created in Forge, immediately the end of game come with choose Keep Playing and Quit the game. After pressing Keep playing, I see no objects of map, only the stellar background. While creating the map in Map Designer, the map loads in correctly and is playable. The game is updated to 1.05, Galaxy Forge where the .DEF file is changed also downloaded for v.1.05.
P.S. Also I have made the following experiment: I had created the map with stars but no planets in Map Designer, after I opened the map in Forge and added the planets. After I have made any changes to map with Forge with replaced .DEF file, it led to the same results - Keep playing or Quit the game.