i ve read the article, even thoe it seems to be an old one. Im a gamer. I played games since be4 i lerned to speak well, like, since age of 2 or 3... I own 6 computers, and have more games in my house (PC games ((not tolcking about console games which i also have plenty of)) ) then the next Gamestop has in stock. I love games, and manage to have a life: a fun job (bartending) and going to college this spring, on top of that even manage to have enough time to have a very cool gf whom i absolutly adore and shes not a gamer at all...... Its possible im not ur averege PC gamer ether. I dont shy away from using Pirate Bay or Iso Hunter among others for downloading games&music&movies. However, i, if i happen to download a game i really like, or a movie, or soung... i buy it. Its my way to say thx to the ppl who put their time and effort into making such a cool product. If i dont like the game( or music&movie) i downloaded, i delete it. The reason why i think pirate bay is valid among other things is beouse, there has been numerous occassions, ive read gamespy, gamespot, pc gamer, and other reviews, that sugested the game is good, i bougth it, and now its collecting dust, becouse it sucks. becouse it doesnt suck but i dont like it. Becouse, it could have been a good game indeed, but its released all buggy, and u have to w8 if hopefully the devs would be kind enough to realise patches to make it stable... Some may argue, well, download a demo.... Well, most devs dont make a demo now a day for 1, for 2 some demos may not be enough to make a conclusive opinion on a product, to that end however, most demos are. i also know im not alone. I know many gamers. Hard core gamers. Mild gamers. Casual gamers. Not-gamers, just those who enjoy 1-2 games once in rear while. Many of those i know, also download games to check them out. And most of em, if they really liked the product, it was stable at realise, its a fun game, and appealling to their tastes, they will go and buy that game. And those games, they downloaded, and didnt like... its not gonna be kept long on a hard drive... The hard drive is not made of rubber.
We live in an age of rapid information. Because of this age, men-hateful ideology on the scale of a state (like fascism ) is hopefully no longer possible. It is because of this age simple things, like morning newspaper (in paper format) can become a rarity. It is because of this age, information is no longer just a commodity, it is also a necessity, much same as water and air, and education. If information is not a commodity, can it be copyrighted? Yes it can be, but only to a limited extent. Does water we drink, not get processed? It does. Is it a service? It is. Is not a service entitled to revenue? It is. But to that extent? Certainly not to an extent there u pay for something that has become for all intent and purpose a public property. Much same way, as a song, written by a celebrated artist, who has long passed away, should not be copyrighted and generate revenue in millions to some publisher (not because that publisher spend money on production of copies, but because that publisher holds “rights” to it). There for, as long as information is a continuing service, it retains the rights for a copyright. In relation to gaming, that does that mean? A long outdated game, that no longer maintains any developer support, yet is publicly iconic, is no longer a commodity, it public cultural heritage. A product, developed by a company that since dissolved, in my opinion , is no longer a commodity. A product that became iconic, of a generation, even if its resent, is no longer a commodity. A poorly designed information-based product, with no support, unstable, and published, is no longer a commodity.
Piracy in relation to up to date gaming. Well for starters, there are few software entertainment PC products, that, on day of release, are stable. That’s a very important note. Many developers today, are content to realize, unstable, unfinished products, which they may or may not support. That’s called a rip-off. No amount of piracy will hurt a product more, in this age of information, then unstable product will hurt it self. No amount of piracy will disregard and destroy revenue for a well made, well supported product. In fact, such a product, will sell it self. Any well made product, well supported product, with multiplayer, will be bought by those who buy games in a first place, and some others on top of that. If such a product as described in the lust sentence, should become torrent’s favorite, even better, its called free marketing to the masses by the masses.
Pirate-Bay, piracy or sharing of information? Anything u will answer to this question, is called philosophy.
PS:IN relation to stardock: i torrented Galactic Civ2, i liked it, i bougth GalCiv2 Gold Edition. i torrented Sins of a Solar Empire, i liked it i bougth it, bougth 3 of em, 2 for friends of myne. I torrented Mass Effect, i liked it, i bougth it, in fact i bougth 6 of em (5 as gifts to friends; to that end i bougth every single Bioware game made to date, and i adore their games, so far a masterpice of programming art as far as im conserned), I torrented World in Conflict, i liked it, i bougth it. I torrented Assassin's Creed2, i liked it, i bougth it, i torrented Halo ODST, i liked it, i bougth it, i torrented Gal Civ2 TA, i didnt like it, i deleted it (maybe i just never got the point of it, but then i installed it, and started a new game, i saw EXACTLY the same identical game as Gal Civ2,maybe i missed something, becouse i didnt play longer then 1st turn, but i really couldnt tell a differense). I torrented Fallout 3, i liked it, i bougth it, also a few copies more then 1 for frinds. I bougth a game, out of hype once (and "good reviews") Red Alert 3..... i havent played more then 4 min of it... now its collecting dust. I dont belive im a theef, in any of those cases, just a responsible buyer, who likes games, but also understands the value of money... and that i would much more rather, give 60 or more $ to charity, then buy a game that i will play no longer then Red Alert 3. Also, there are some games, that indeed i would much rather just torrent and not bother looking for them in stores there i may or may not find them, like Modern Warfare 2, but this is A: a good game B: it has multiplayer, so i bougth it... evcourse, i prob wouldnt, if it wasnt available at steam, becouse alot of retailers those days, dont carry PC games, even if they generate hype. Also, i torrented Arcanum, an old game.... but the company that made the game no longer exist, the game is no longer sold or prodused, and i will not spend day-after day, scrolling through e-bay, in faint hope, that some1, may still sell it. On another side note, Diablo 3 is coming out eventually, i will buy this game regardless of reviews... Still, the other day, then the news that Diablo 3 only came out, and i wanted to re-fresh my Diablo2 days all the sudden, i went to the store to find it at the cost of around 30 $ (i don't remb exact price), now im not poor, or cheap, but no way on earth, am i ever going to pay, for such an old game such an outrageous price (lucky for me i found the D2 disks, while wisiting mom in MA ).
PSS : my microsoftword is acting funny.. so i was forced to continue without it, and it was rather late then i started typing this... i didnt see my key bord, so there could be some grammatical errors, i hope they are not many and utterly obvious, my apologise for any spelling error's i may have commited while typing this.