+2 to speed ability plus i upgrade the colony ship and miner to a fast blank hull and a fast constructor. Once in the AI system i build a base (any type, iv'e found no advantage between them) and upgrade the blank to the +1 att spore ship. I do seem to manage the April 8 win quite often and normally with the political cap too. Still though i have only managed the two +84K games. I'm not sure what is eluding me.
Yep, its better speed. I'm doing pretty mcuh what you mentioned above with the fast constructor & blank cargo hull that I later build a base with, and upgrade the other to a spore ship. I was doing it slightly differently/slower before. Both of my highest games, I also met 1 minor race, so I was able to extend my tech production a bit. I never tried the +speed ability, but maybe I will give it a go. Also, changing the enemy to Thalans helped a tiny bit...one less spore ship to build/upgrade. They often have fighters, but I just buy them off with tech.
SB and i have both found the idea of the next medal being at 375 games quite plausible and since i am so close i may as well find out.Number 3 is as high as that char will go though. I'll be coming for the number 1 spot with BMF. It just doesn't seem right to take #1 with ZYW's.
Hehe...then when you reach 375, it will be "maybe it's at 400", then 450, then 500...

I really think it's probably at 500. It just seems like the logical numerical progression, even though 500 games without the advent of the ZYWs would be extremely improbable. I dont know why they made the progression that way, because I doubt they had such strategies in mind.
Sentient species taste better...