Actually? Firearms were designed also for defense and for hunting.
Can you say anything positive about ANY tobacco product?
Frankly, I wish neither had ever been invented/discovered. No matter how you look at it, firearms were designed to kill and maim, irrespective of whether the target is human or animal... not that the two are mutually exclusive in some cases. For mine, 'so-called' hunting should be with a bow and arrow or a spear... make a real sport out of it and not some slaughter-fest at the end of a rifle. And what's the betting that 90% plus 'hunters' would quit doing it if ALL firearms were crushed by government and they were forced to 'hunt' the original way... with a spear, skill and finesse.
As for tobacco products, the peace pipe was used to broker and seal peace treaties among American Indian tribes... sometimes with the white man, too, so it could be said there was a positive aspect there. However, tobacco products today are no more than legalised, non-medical and expensively slow, euthanasia.
So glad I quit when I did.