Not to sound like a mean SOB this early in the year, but if you only try, you won't do it.
Sorry, but you should know by being so good as a skinner. Trying never gets you what you want. It's more the word than anything else.
Before you ask, yes I smoked, alot, before I went into the military and for 15 years more until I realized it was really one of the dumbest things I ever did. Other then stuff you weren't supposed to smoke, I did it. Chewed cigars and pipe stems, I know, you're not supposed to do that.
You can do it, but I will tell you, you never lose the feeling to just have one. It's very much like giving up drinking. You will always want to show people I can have one and it will be okay, but you can't, so don't.
Patches, you don't need no stinking patches (sorry had to do that). How do you quite something by putting a patch on that puts into your system what you are trying to stop doing. Here's another fact, who do you think provides the money to the companies that make the patches. Don't think to hard, you'll need something for the headache.
These aren't your words but:
the physiological and psychological withdrawal and addiction are super tough to kick
sounds straight out of a medical journal. You know if it were not for the medical profession, we all might be heathly people. Now that's just my personal opinion.
Do it for you loved ones, your children and family. Do it to show you love them and don't want to miss any time being with them. Just do it.