Edit - Oops. Posted before I saw your second post.
no worries, those are some good ideas!
I got one of those smoothy makers for Christmas. Those are nice. Made a couple of frozen cappaccinos last night for the mrs and myself. A recommended purchase.
Do you have a Toaster Oven? It's one of those handy things to have, but are never there when you want one.
*gag* you found my kryptonite -- i used to work at a jamba juice. i hate smoothies and pureed fruit in general SOOOO much

we're actually pretty set on appliances: toaster oven, deluxe rice maker, food processor/shreader, blender, ice cream maker, george foreman grill. a waffle maker would be fun

You can't go wrong with power tools either. Maybe one of those newer Ryobi kits with the lithium batteries. Best thing about them is that the new batteries will also fit the older stuff. Good potential for the future there.
that's a good idea too! i've been peaking my head around for a dremel/drill combo kit - for case modding and as a general "it's a nice thing to have" purchase.