Definitely lose the loyalty in favor of something else. Loyalty is a defensive measure against someone else's overpowering influence; if your planets are never in danger of flipping yourloyalty bonus is never being used.
Best news I heard all day. Yup definately getting more on dipolmacy for mt next game.
How did you pull that off? The MCC is a one-per-galaxy building, and having a second one wouldn't give any benefit anyway. If you mean something like the Dark Influence building, yes those are powerful additions to any empire.
Actually mind control center is a dark side improvement. adds 50% influence, 20% economy, 10% morale (I think) to a planet. Hye i've just been able to get one for every planet i have and they have been doing wonders. No galactic achievement written on them, they don't cost much either. 2000BC roughly and their good to go.
unusual that you say you can't get them. If I could upload screenshots i'd show you but photobucket isn't working for me. got to get a new account i guess
, staff at haven't gotten back to me on the upload bug.
They will use other weapons, but you should wait until they do so to add armor or point defense. Having multiple defenses on your ships wastes space, unless you are facing more than one AI at a time using different weapons, or one AI using mixed weapons.
Took your advice, Since all the AI have no Missile or mass driver weapons (except those who traded with me), I've equiped my ships with ONLY Sheilds. so far my capital ships have outguned and defenced the best fleets of the Iconian and Dog fleets (Dogs of Razaka have weapon ups I might add). Great Idea, i'm actually thinking of making series of ships. combining a weapon type and a different defence type. I hope it works, wish me luck.
It will allow you to keep your production slider at 100%, and maybe give you enough so you can build additional factories on some worlds. It won't simply boost production on its own.
so it's all going to my wallet.
what a shame. oh well means I can get more Devine Favour and Anabu class battle ships.