Now, don't get me wrong, for the money ObjectDock plus is a rockin' program. I love it. And the past few upgrades have been super. As a monkey that makes skins for OD, I sometimes find myself limited in the things I can do as far as design, but that's to be expected. The developers can't read the minds of the folks using or designing for OD. I understand that. So here are a couple of things I'd like to see for ObjectDock, if you have any others, feel free to post 'em. (oh, and if any of these are already in OD, slap me)
1. I know I can set my tabs to be different colors and have different fonts...however, what I'd like to see is a way to have different color fonts for active/inactive tabs. For example, the active tab has a white font, the inactive tabs has a gray or black font.
2. Blurring! I'd love to see the same option that WB6 now has where you could turn on blurring for the docks...say you have a clear dock and where you can see through it is slightly blurred. That would rock.
3. Docks that can be curved. I know I can make curved docks...but how sweet would it be to have the icons follow the curve of the dock?
Ok, your turn.