Glad to see there are some good ideas out there still.
Well, here I am late again! Since playing around with WinStep Extreme, I've become spoiled with the docks' ability to show it's icons reflection. Any icon!
Of course I immediately thought "wouldn't this be a blast if this effect could be applied to Object Dock icons as well?!"
The amount of reflection 0-100 and possibly Enable / Disable radial switches would have to be added to Object Dock's application code under EFFECTS I would imagine. But as I read this forum, I didn't see this anywhere as a suggestion, unless I missed one.
I guess I'm presenting this question to Messiah or WebGizmos, who I know will be straight forward.
Is there a plan to or is it even possible to add icon reflection to Object Docked icons? And if it is, what would necessitate designers such as Messiah and WebGiz to apply this effect to an already huge gallery, if it's something to be added to the current INI file?
There has to be an easy way to add reflection outside of hacking the INI.
I'm quite interested to hear about this.