a few months since last reply... not too old right? *bump*
1. Funny, I was just thinking about the curved dock idea, it could go well some some graphics and themes if I line it up right. What would really be cool if you could be able to specify the angle of the curve, whether it should be a gradual curve or a tight curve... or maybe a slight curve down to a slight curve up (like a subtle sine wave if u know what i mean). Or maybe something where you could define your own line shape/curve. Say you adjust the line curve (just like you would adjust color curves in photoshop) and the icons would just run right along whatever line or shape you made.
2. I would like to see more improvement over the taskbar ability. More specifically, a way to see right away what folders/windows you have open rather than having to hover over each one to find the one you want. I know in a tabbed dock you can display the names, but even then, I can't find a way to adjust the font size to make it smaller so it doesn't cut off the names so badly, like "Firef...". Plus the tabbed docks don't support the rollover effects (like glow, rock, etc.) I think the tabbed docks should have that support.
3. With the tabbed docks, I think you should be able to have the option of how the icons fill up your tab. Right now, it fills up from left to right, but it would be nice if we could fill it from the center out, or from right to left. It would also be nice if the tabs could automatically resize themselves according to how many icons you have in the dock. It looks stupid with all that blank area when you go from a tab of 10 icons to a tab of 3 icons.
4. Now this is probably a bit far-fetched, but hey... why not support animated icons? I wouldn't mind having a shimmering firefox logo or a folder that just kinda subtly glowed blue or something like that.
5. Is there a reason why a standard digital clock cannot be included with the OD? There's the analog, but I love my digital (I made one in DesktopX) but if we're going to hid the taskbar, at least package a nice simple digital clock with it...
I think that's all I can think of for now...