Copied from my previous thread on the matter:
1. I have a lot of leftover zoomer dock backgrounds I'd like to use, but when using them on a tabbed dock, it's using some default/standard tabs that don't always look so well paired together. It would be nice if we could select backgrounds for the tabs themselves and the rest of the dock independently from each other. Mix and match so to speak.
2. Is it just me, or do the tabbed docks have less options than the zoomers? Things like adjusting background transparency; accurate positioning by the use of sliders controls; having the dock be automatically centered wherever it is; changing the mouseover effect (tabbed only has zoom on mouseover?); etc. Is it just a limitation that tabbed docks can't have those effects, or it just wasn't added in for some reason?
3. Is it possible for each tab to have a different length than the others (self-adjusting width/height)? Example, my main tab has a certain amount of icons, but the apps tab has more and I'd like to be able to have them all displayed without having empty space on my main tab (or other tabs). It would also be cool if there was an animation when changing to different-length tabs, so it would smoothly expand or contract to display the icons, much as the zoomer does when icons grow or shrink.
--An alternative, an added option would be to have horizontal/vertical icon alignment within tabs, so the icons can be centered (or right-aligned) instead of always left-aligned.
Here's the big one....
4. Being able to have a user-defined default image directory when browsing for icons. I already had a large icon collection before I got OD, and it would just be too much trouble to have to move ALL my icons (1.3GB worth) to the OD image library, especially since that would affect other programs that use those icons (like AveDesk). So when I click "change image" on the dock entry properties, when it opens that dialog it will display my user set directory, listing folders on the left and the icons (or subfolders) on the right...much like explorer already does. On the same note, sometimes I choose an icon and then later can't remember which icon it is and from which set. When changing an icon it should open to the location of the current image.
Some examples (mind my terrible Photoshopping):


--Also, a default images folder within My Pictures, or My Documents for all OD content (and ideally for all Stardock software content) would be a lot better than having files scattered in different locations throughout a drive.
5. When browsing the dock backgrounds, have it start at the *currently* in-use background instead of at the top all the time.
Expanding on messiah's #1: it would be great if we could change the tab font color from within the OD config itself instead of having to edit all the ini's.