Normally, I never post these because, well, I've never hit a show-stopper bug. However, this is one that has been around as long as GalCiv two, and I don't even know if anyone else gets it.
(Probably should wait until after TA comes out, but since this hasn't been fixed by now, probably still isn't.)
This is a bug that happens when your influence causes a planet to flip to your civ. These log at the beginning of your turn when you have the menu up, showing everything that was built. At least for me, the notification doesn't arrive until I click on one of these planets to go to their build cue. What happens is (let's say it's a planet with nothing being built, so I go to build some more improvements) I click, then the adviser tells me that someone jumped to my size, then I go to the planet menu for the one I originally selected.
Well, at least it looks like it. as soon as I start clicking on any squares, it jumps to the planet the flipped to my side, but then none of the right improvements appear when I click on them.
Easy way around this is to select the planet, get the notification, back out of the planet screen, then select it again. A pain, but not a show-stopper. What's really annoying is that when this happens (especially with huge galaxies) I often forget the name of the planet that just flipped and then never get back to set it up.
Hopefully my Tolstoy-esque rant here made some sense. Again, no biggy, but with all the other bugs that have gotten fixed over the years, it would be nice if this teensy little one could be taken care of.
Keep up the great work, guys!