Ship Yards- Space Stations that can build ships
Here is how they would work: You build a ship yard with a constructor. Once it is built, you can assign the military production from planets and asteroid bases to the ship yard. The more planets sending resources to the ship yard, the faster the ships can be built.
Why I want this:
-It doesnt make sense to me that huge ships are being built on planets. They should be built in space with planets limited to only building smaller ships
-You could make ship sizes huge and what I hope will be included in the new expansion, death star size ships at the ship yards
-Another cool thing about this is that you could attack your enemies ship making capability by taking out their ship yards
-There are lots of cool things you could do with this: if you were limited to producing tiny, small, and perhaps medium ships on planets, then ship yards would become essential and you could cripple your enemy by sending in fast ships to attack their ship yards.
-Also, this would make having a bunch of tiny planets more useful. You may have only 5-10 tiny planets, each one of which would take forever to build the large types of ships you need to fight a good war, but if you could combine all of their resources at one central location, a ship yard, then even races with crappy planets could mount a good fight.
We already have death star sized ships - Terror Stars. And they're already built in space - with constructors.
It would be better if you could only use asteroid mining bases, economic starbases, and 'factory modules' to supply MP to these shipyards rather than planets. Planets would need a new type of 'mass beaming station' improvement to do so, which would beam a certain percentage of their MP to a shipyard or another planet.
Also, since beaming MP leads to some loss, it would be advantageous to have shipyards inside asteroid clouds. However, I'm against the idea of only being able to build smaller ships on planets. Both planets and shipyards should be able to build all kinds of ships.
Similarly, we could also have space-based research centers, immediate repair docks(which use MP to immediately repair ships), and artillery platforms if you want to expand starbases.