Just noticed the past few days that I'm not seeing some new skins that are uploaded to the site in the " Newest" section on gallery tab. Most people that check the site daily go to the gallery tab and click on the " Newest" link to see whats what the past few days..its quicker than going from gallery to gallery. But I noticed that Im seeing screen shots in the newest gallery, bootskins , etc - yet Jazzymjr had a windowblind " Pale Moonlight" uploaded to the site at 9am today and the Pale Moonlight Widget set by buzzh58 was uploaded at 11am today..yet neither appears in the newest gallery.
Is it me ? Am I having issues ? I have noticed the Firefox Error Console box keeps popping up since FF had update last week..I never had the box pop up before..
Am I just not seeing them ? or are they in fact not in the newest gallery ?