yes, yes. Here I am.
Welcome, Freeman and Arkham.
Normally, I would randomly place you on teams, but right now we are in the middle of a Bonus Round, which actually works to your benefit.
The Bonus Round can be found here:
MVL Bonus RoundAlso, make sure to check out a summary outline and FAQs here:
The Metaverse Leagueand the OP to the MVL Rulebook found here:
RulebookAnyhow, as I was saying, this is a Bonus Round, so really players are competing for individual points vs. compared to also earning Team points like normal. Whatever individual points you earn will be carried over into Season Three and be applied to your team.
A player that participates in the Bonus Round automatically earns 1 point.
A player may also earn 1 of 4 possible Submission Time, Game Speed, or Game Score points.
After the Bonus Round we will hold a Draft. Administered by myself and the Vice Commish, the Draft will have two rounds where the Team Captains will be able to select players of their choice. The remaining players after those two rounds will be placed randomly onto the teams. A player that earned a lot of Bonus Points in the Bonus Round may be an attractive choice for a Team Captain.