Hey all! Quixen!long time mate! New rig huh...do tell, i'd love to build a new pc today with an i7 at its heart..
ToE.com has slowed somewhat...but it picks up again every few weeks or so....like DA said, the fact so many of us use Skype for voice now kinda renders alot of forum chat to the closet, though we still BS about a great many things.
I on the other hand am not playing anything atm..i have a broken right arm, which means aside from some left handed, and badly done, Demigod, i cant play anything...at least for another 3 weeks.
As for GC2, i still have two mumblers that score tested at end of year 0 very high, but i doubt i will ever finish them, i'm sure both would be 1.3-1.5 mill games.
Like DA, i have a TA mod that i have been toying with now for over 6 months. Its a complete overhaul of all races, everything is completely new, even was working on (with DA's help) how to have 36 races available in game, but its been that long since i touched that i dont really recall we're we got too on it. Races are done, bar for the unique trees....
Demigod has been the game of choice for a few months now, along with SINS, Settlers 6, L4D and a few NFS titles.
And yes this reply is dragging on terribly 'cause i am bored shitless with this arm in a cast and figure id ramble to you guys.......
Ok....time to wast time on Mafia Wars i guess....