Oh, and Po....grow some balls....IMO...IMVHO...all that garbage.....say what you mean and don't try to not get banned for what you want to say. Just say it!
Boss, I could say a lot of things. Truth is, I have talked to some admins and mods on the side as I am sure a few people have...and I
still don't understand how it all works.
It's not their job, either, to give us
every little detail on how the site operates. That being said, I will stick with '
IMHO, etc.' because
I DON'T KNOW it all. Believe me, if I did I would be on a real freakin' storm of a rant.
It seems more stuff gets pushed to the wayside or ignored when someone comes off as if they do know it all.
But, just for the hell of it, and so there is no confusion, I'll tell you exactly how I feel. I'm not afraid of being banned as much as I am afraid not being a viable voice anymore, if I am one at all.
So, here it is.
1. I think there is a lot of bull doled out that we are supposed to take
as is. Half assed explanations, answers, etc. I think the members deserve better. I think they need ONE person, at least, who is the , shall we say, 'public relations' person to handle all of this instead of 3 or 4 or 5 admins and mods all chiming in on different points of interest, etc.
2. I think they bit off more than they can chew with relaxing their upload policies. I don't think the amount of threads there have been on just these issues in the past couple months was anticipated, nor the overwhelming response from members to do something about said issues. I am sure someone can chime in and say 'It's always been that way.' and they may be right.
I don't know. It
feels otherwise to me.
3. I think that ALL the mods should have a list of uploaders who need more 'watching'..perhaps a kind of probation..and they need to communicate more than periodically on said list.
(This may already exist, I don't know.) 4. I think they need a
'Report RIP' area
(Which may be in the works. I believe I heard it mentioned. Again, I DON'T KNOW) and at least ONE person should moderate it and nothing else.
5. I think some Mods and Admins discourage new people and people who don't savvy the site or how such an animal might operate, by talking down to them. This is why I use
'IMHO'. I, personally, have fucked up here a few times. I have pissed off members, admins, volunteer's. I thought about some of the shit I did, and realize I was in error. I also realize that I have a title here. Small as it may be. As insignificant as it may be..I am proud of it. That is why I always have it displayed. Being that I do that, I feel I have a responsibility to live up to it and try to be helpful and represent the site well, even when Mods or Admins (I am not saying ALL mods and Admins) may chose not to. I don't think noob's or anyone coming here should feel that anyone or everyone who has a title before their handle is an asshole. I try the best I can. Maybe not hard enough. Maybe I am still fucking up. I don't know for sure.
6. I don't get around HALF as much as some do..maybe most, so if I can spot so many RIPS, ...well, wtf? When a persons entire bootscreen or logon gallery is made up entirely from walls or work THEY didn't originate and you start finding RIPS in that gallery, it's not hard to go from there and wonder about the rest of it. But it seems , sometimes, more and more of that persons crap gets through despite or in spite.
7. I think the site is very political in it's promotions, etc. I mean that in a 'bad' way. And I am not saying all are wrong. I will say, I got mine when I didn't deserve it (I still don't know WHY I got it. I was VERY new and not a huge contributor) and it probably should have been pulled over the bootscreen I did. But, this is only another reason I say '
IMHO etc.' I am just trying to be respectful. Nothing more.
8. I fucking resent anyone telling me I have NO BALLS (I would refer you back to the bootscreen I submitted to make a point, bno matter how badly I made it in the end.) I am trying constructively, conscientiously, and calmly to get my own answers and push for other people when I feel like they don't get THEIR answers. Maybe they don't want me to.
I don't know. They can PM me and tell me they don't need my help, and I won't cry and have 6 shots to wash away my blues. Maybe my voice doesn't matter, has grown old, or is just a fucking joke.
I don't know. But I try the best way I know how, until I hear I am a joke or I will never make a difference. Then I will keep my thoughts to myself and that will be that.
9. Finally..I am
about at the point of just saying to hell with it all. But, I am trying to maintain
some dignity. Because you get to a point where you have tried everything else and you feel like that is all you have left.