Everyday I notice more and more people disappearing - its sad to say the least.
Or just becoming less and less involved in the community out of frustration.
Perhaps maybe its time for me to just stop caring.
sigh. I feel like a human yo-yo struggling with the same issue.
***But..maybe it might be a good idea to revamp that upload process so the first screen you see after you click that upload to site button is : If this is not your original work , have you included permission from the original author to use his work or have you linked to the original work if its considered fair use "
So many 'suggestions' and idea's have been brought forth by members regarding 'recoding' for this and that. So many times, they go 'unanswered' leaving the person(s) feeling 'ignored' or just 'ignorant' for taking the time to say 'can we fix this'. Some kind of periodical update on these suggestions made and what can be done, can't be done, and is in the works would be nice...specifically regarding these 'trouble' area's or area's of 'high concern' to the community members.
Especially when you have a thread where many members are in agreement over the need for some kind of change, including the lomg-standing ones that you don't want to see go or become less involved.it's getting old, real fast, and it's getting to be more frequent as well.
I agree. I also agree these kinds of threads have to be getting old as well, as well as being someone who keeps posting them. You start to feel like you are banging your head against a door that just leads to a brick wall.
Should we go around accusing people publicly of ripping work? No.
If you spot a rip, the appropriate course of action is to PM or email with an admin such as Jafo who can then go directly to the member in question and figure out what happened. The reason for this is because sometimes, just sometimes, it's not a rip.
I might also add that some MODS camp on the stardock irc, which can be easily accessed to by using SDC. Might be faster at times to get 1 of us.
I agree about how it should be reported. But then, it gets pretty frustrating when you do follow this and your PM site for days on end unopened or you get no response in the IRC, which occasionally happens. So, I understand the frustration that leads to publicly outing the RIPS in the forum, though it may not be appropriate.
I'm not saying that you can catch every single one, but I know from what I have seen here in the past that better moderation is in order now.
I think a lot of people are aware that not every RIP can be caught. I also think, from looking around the site, a lot of people feel that the number of RIPS has climbed since the
new, more 'relaxed' effort at allowing more work in has started. Even though not everyone may agree with this effort, I believe even though that do would like to see more of an
effort or something done to help weed out the more 'unwanted' elements that come with this. You don't have to look hard to see that there are a lot of RIPS coming through. I have seen stuff I knew was a RIP and it took me a great deal of time to track down the original. It almost seems, at times, some of these people go out of their way to find original work from months and months, if not a year or two to RIP just to try to avoid having it caught as a RIP.
Just another rant, from Po' Smedley.
I understand that you can't change everything, re-write every code, the Mods are only human and so many...so I won't waste any time saying 'Can we try this?', I feel lately, I have wasted
enough time doing that. I'm sure for some, that comes as a relief to hear. Less crap from Po' Smedley. But I will always be willing to be heard should '
someone' actually '
want' to hear.
The sad thing is, their are people hear that should be heard and/or paid attention to and some of them are going to run out of steam, give up, not care, or just leave. My only question, anymore, would be to ask...
What's going to be done about that?