Hi everyone. Enjoying the game immensely, but I have a question concerning my now ancient computer(4 + yrs)and any suggestions for upgrading would be very helpful since I cannot afford a new computer for at least another year.
My specs are: AMD T-Bird 1.1 Ghz, 512 mb ram, ATI Radeon 9550 128 mb vid. card.
I am happy with the way GalCivII runs on my machine (although it does chug along in some game scenarios) , and believe it or not it runs other games fairly well such as HL2/CS:S, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six 3 RavenShield, etc., not bad for an old clunker.
My question is whether adding more RAM (1 Gig.) might help speed things up a bit or is the "bottleneck" really my CPU, and therefore adding more RAM would be a total waste (peformance wise) and money?
I need to squeeze the last little bit of performance out of my machine for the least amount of dollars, otherwise I can live with what I've got for another year I guess. Thanks ... all positive suggestions welcome.